Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 28

So me and Jem were just walking home from the school play. I even had a role. I was "Ham," all I said was "PORK!' My costume was really annoying though. I can't really walk, it makes me all clumsy and I can barely see anything. I guess it makes me kind of vulnerable. 

On our way home last night we were attacked!! It was so scary. I don't remember that much because it all happened so quick and it was pitch black outside. All i remember hearing is Jem screaming and hearing a snap. Bob had broke Jem's arm. Then Bob started strangling me, I thought I was going to die.   All of a sudden he got thrown off of me. I'm not sure who saved me but I think it was Jem. After I could get up and see what happened, Bob was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. 

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